
Prayas Construction offers a full-range of constructionservicesto the industrial, commercial and institutionalsectors - someof which include Design-Build, Construction Management, General Contracting, Pre Construction, Facility Managementand Interiors and Alterations.

We believe all building enterprises, regardless of magnitude orsize, are full of opportunities.The opportunityto turn our clients' vision into success; to build enduringrelationshipswithassociates; and to raise the standard in all areas of operations.

Challenge ignites our passion. Our passion drives our mission. Our mission is to build.


How we work

Work Process

Design 01

Planning 02

Devolepment 03

Sub Contractor and Suppliers

It is through the dedication and expertise of subcontractors and suppliers that Prayas Construction is ableto effectively deliver our client’s building enterprises withoptimal success.

In understanding the roll of our affiliates, we alsoacknowledge the needs and concerns they process. Prayas Construction is dedicated to being an unwaveringcontractor – to providing the best work condition, Implementing the highest safety standards and creatingthe most enduring relationships

It is only together we can build design solutions.Compassionate and accountable , this is our commitment.

Contractual Arrangements

Prayas construction operates, and provides services under various contractual arrangements Enhanced through trust and partnership, these arrangements can be tailored tomeet the unique needs of each client.

Stipulated Price

Stipulated price is the most common and conventional form of contractual arrangement. Here the client will enter into agreement with Prayas Construction to carry out thecontract at competitive , pre- determined and fixed price.

Cost Plus

A contractual arrangement where the client has control over costs and is able to ensure a steady flow of theproject from a financial stand point. Prayas Constructionwill provided services to the client at the actual cost of theservice plus an agreed – upon fee for overhead and profit. Under industry practices this type of arrangement is alsoknow as “open book”.

Unit Price

Under this contractual arrangement, the client and Prayas Construction agree upon a pre-determined, fixed price for individual units of work. The total price of the constructionenterprise is determined by multiplying the fixed unit priceby the actual measured quantity of work that needs to beperformed for each individual unit.

Target Cost

The client enters in to agreement with the Prayaas Construction whereby the cost to deliver the final product is pre-determined to a target price. If the actual cost is below target price , the difference is split between client and contractor at a predetermined ratio-thereby intriguingvalue engineering.

Our Commitment

If your company has decided to embark on a new andexciting business venture. Whether to expand your current business or start a new ,Prayas Construction recognize this venture is often met with a degree of risk and uncertainty. At Prayas Construction we will work for you ,alongsideyou, to mitigate these risk and focus on attaining theopportunities every building enterprise presents.